At Work With: Jaap Biemans, CoverJunkie
This morning we’re in Amsterdam to check out Jaap Biemans’ week ahead. Jaap is the man behind the Coverjunkie blog, everyone’s favourite source of front cover inspiration. When not uploading front covers to his site, he’s art directing Volkskrant Magazine, the weekly title published with the Saturday edition of Dutch newspaper Volkskrant.
Where are you today?
I’m in Amsterdam at the Volkskrant newspaper, just took a tram to office. This pic explains my mood.
What can you see from the window?
The ‘Happy Happy Happy’ artwork from Claudie de Cleen on the window on my right, love her. I see Buzz straight forward me and a little bit of Theo’s head. When turning 180 degrees I see some sunshine coming into the window.
How many emails are waiting in your inbox?
Pfff, email is like a hungry beast that’s never satisfied (I quote you now). It’s the biggest hassle because it’s simply impossible to answer them all. Coverjunkies from all over send me hundreds of emails a week and I love that but can’t answer immediately like I did in the beginning. Right now the Coverjunkie inbox contains about 250 mails, and I plan to answer those next week, or the week after, or... but I'm pretty much up to date for email on my ‘normal’ job, yippie.
What’s your favourite magazine this morning?
I Love Fake is waiting on my desk. that mag carries a fresh vibe.
What’s your favourite magazine cover this morning?
Just saw the new Fortune cover redesigned by Brandon Kavulla, is looking ace at first sight, makes me curious, and what about the new Boston? That’s amazing stuff. This is cover design at its best.
What have you enjoyed most about designing Volkstrant Magazine?
Working with people that carry talent!
How do you find time to keep the Coverjunkie website up to date?
Figuring I posted exactly 12,075 covers this morning makes me go nuts. But it relaxes me to browse a bit during the day when working on Volkskrant Magazine, feels like a coffee break I search in the weekends and save those posts for during the week. The best part is crashing Athenaeum newsstand in Amsterdam for the special ones. Hey, it's all about celebrating creativity!
Can we expect a second issue of Coverjunkie Magazine?
That would be so great, I’m looking out for sponsors right now. anyone? I have a sweet idea planned but need some help here. Did you know Coverjunkie’s first issue is now only available at MoMA PS1 museum New York? I love that, I wanna go take a look.
What was the last thing your editor said to you?
“I’m off but tomorrow I’m gonna show up extra early.”
What are you most looking forward to this week?
The chiefs at Volkskrant asked me to also design the front page of the Saturday newspaper (next to the magazine). That’s going to be my first newspaper cover ever.
What are you least looking forward to this week?
PSV Eindhoven (my fave soccer team) is playing and not doing very well. My fear is it's tumbling.
What will you be doing after this chat?
Make some freaky-fish-eye-funny-photos with my little new iPhone (olloclip) lens and get me a doppio.