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Journal tagged by Close-up

The Skirt Chronicles #8

The Skirt Chronicles #8

Our regular Close-up excerpt is designed to confound your expectations of the source magazine; in this case, The Skirt Chronicles selected a story by recent graduate Rose Higham-Stainton. A rewritten version of her RCA thesis, it re-examines the Graces from Greek mythology through the work of artist Megan Rooney.
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The Modernist #39

The Modernist #39

This latest Close-up excerpt comes from the always excellent The Modernist. Each issue celebrates a different aspect of modernism, and this issue adopts the theme ‘Killer’ to examine ‘buildings designed for taking the lives of our fellow human beings.’
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Record Culture #9

Record Culture #9

For our latest Close-up excerpt, we hook up with Record Culture and the opening section of Terry Craven’s cover interview with London DJ Bradley Zero. In a typically in-depth profile, Bradley talks about how discovering a love for dancing helped him develop his live career.

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It’s Freezing in LA! #7

It’s Freezing in LA! #7

Our latest Close-up excerpt comes from the seventh issue of It’s Freezing in LA!, the independent magazine about climate change. The piece, by Arielle Domb, illustrates how the subject figures in all areas of life and culture; in this case indie music.
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Port #28

Port #28

For our second post highlighting the writing in the magazines we champion, we present an excerpt from the 10th anniversary issue of Port. From an essay by author Jeremy Atherton Lin, and based on his recent book ‘Gay Bar: Why We Went Out,’ it reflects on the everchanging history of gay meeting spaces.
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The Gentlewoman #23

The Gentlewoman #23

Today we launch a new series on the Journal, highlighting the writing in the magazines we champion. Each ‘Close-up’ post will feature a written excerpt from a recent issue – we start today with an interview with singer Rowetta, from the 23rd issue of The Gentlewoman.
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