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Brownbook #70

190 x 240 mm, 244 pages plus translated section and three mini photobooks
Dubai, UAE
Editors: Rashid Bin Shahib and Ahmed Bib Shahib
Design: Rashid Bin Shahib, Abdullah Al Kenani and Mohammed Alruways

‘An urban guide to the Middle East’

Brownbook is a notable indie title discovering inspiring stories, architecture and communities from the Middle East, North Africa and beyond. 

The latest is a thick issue, satisfying to hold, dedicated to the Middle East's cultural capital: Riyadh. Once a sleepy oasis town, Riyadh has become the beating heart of an international art scene with a strong sense of community and rich cultural appreciation. From unlikely winter sports heroes to wildlife corridor restoration projects, the people and places featured in this issue demonstrate ambitious and passionate visions for their city.

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