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The London Magazine, February/March 2025

150 x 215 mm, 124 pages
London, UK
Six times a year since 1954
Editor: Steven O’Brien

A succession of six publications have held the title The London Magazine dating back to 1732, making it England's oldest literary periodical. Originally founded to rival the Gentleman's Magazine (arguably the first magazine), its pages have boasted the likes of Keats, Shelley, T.S. Elliot et al along the way.

Its current iteration—‘eclectic in taste, promiscuously interested and unapologetically intelligent’—publishes the best writing from London and beyond, split into fiction, poetry, essays and reviews. This is the February/March 2025 issue. Also inside: test out your literary knowledge with the new The London Magazine crossword.

Cover: Stephen Whatcott, Fiesta, 2024.

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