OOMK: A Study of Publishing Practices in Malaysia
The latest project from London’s One of My Kind zine is a report on their recent research trip to Malaysia. Over four weeks the team travelled around the country, visiting Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Ipoh, meeting with publishers, editors and others involved in magazine and zine publishing.
The result is a lovingly compiled series of interviews that shine a light on the developing world of Malaysian magazine-making. We stock a few of the titles at the magCulture shop, so its refreshing to not only read more about the people behind them, but see them too, in the series of portraits alongside the texts.
Featured projects include a series of punk-like music zines (Mosh Zine), an online illustration resource (Pikaland) and a shop selling a broad range of indie mags (Snackfood). It’s fascinating to find a familiar, creative infastructure developing in Malaysia.
This one-off publication from OOMK (in collaboration with local magazine Odd One Out) is an invaluable addition to publishing research. It’s a straightforward, serious publication but there’s a hint of OOMK humour in the way the letters of the word ‘Aiyoh’ are picked from the full name, behind the tracing paper cover (above). Aiyoh is an informal exclamation that expresses surprise.
Tonight we host OOMK editors Heiba and Sofia and designer Rose at our latest magCulture Meets evening. There are still some tickets left. We’ll be posting the audio here tomorrow.
We’re grateful to Park Communications for their support of magCulture Meets.