620 Reading Room update
Our meet-the-editor sessions at the 620 Reading Room have been going really well, a rare opportunity to meet editors of independent magazines and chat informally. The magazines are getting well-read, the 620 seating tested and and the Postcard Teas tasted. Today’s guests include Rob Orchard from Delayed Gratification and Elana Schlenker from Gratuitous Type.
On Sunday Marina and Dave from The Gourmand shared tips with Petrea from new Australian magazine The Young Ones (above), and yesterday Intern founder Alec Dudson talked to a group of recent graduates about campaigning for work opportunities in the creative world (below). It was also good to meet Liz from new travel mag Lodestars Anthology.
Today we host Rob Orchard from Delayed Gratification, who will have copies of their brand new issue 15 with him, and Elana Schlenker, founder of ‘pamphlet of typographic smut’‚ Gratuitous Type. And tomorrow, Thursday, we have another double helping with Rachel and Jody from Another Escape and Kai Brach from Offscreen, in town for Friday’s conference.
The 620 Reading Room is open 10am–6pm, and the editor sessions run from 2-4pm Wednesday and Thursday. They are very open, adhoc events but if you plan to come please email rsvp@vitsoe.com. And don’t forget to pick up your free copy of magmagmag!