Park Communications
Ahead of next week’s Modern Magazine day we’ve been catching up with some our guest speakers to hear about the latest issues of their magazines. Today we shift attention to print company Park Communications, who have supported the event since ModMag14. Managing director Alison Branch gives us some insight into what’s happening at the print plant this week.
What magazines are in production at Park this week?
Gear Patrol, Sidetracked, Intern, Little Atoms, Superyacht Owner, Christie’s and we are starting preparations for the next Mondial and Jocks & Nerds.
Most of those are UK based, but Gear Patrol is an American title. They print the magazine here in London?
They do. Andrew Haynes, their creative director, saw a copy of the Los Angeles-based magazine Boat, which we print. Andrew loved the quality and got in touch.
What are the advantages for Gear Patrol of printing in the UK?
Andrew tells us that having moved to Park, his magazine has much higher production values, is turned around from artwork to delivery in two weeks rather than the three it took in the US, that he enjoys better customer service and saves money too. To support our overseas customers we have 24 hour customer service.
He sends us artwork one evening then flies across overnight and comes straight to us from the airport to pass high-res proofs and we make any corrections that same day. He then comes back the next day to press pass the cover and first few text sections. While he is here Andrew stays in Shoreditch, which is only a short tube ride away from our plant. He’s with us for only two days. Other customers prefer not to press pass so we print to match-agreed proofs. These are sent to the USA by Fedex on a next day service.
Typically our print prices seem to be 40 % to 50% below the prices offered by USA printers for indie magazines. Even with airfreight back and a return flight to press pass we are still more cost effective. And where there is a European or other non-US distribution, the carriage costs are less if sent from the UK rather than the USA. We were more cost effective before Brexit. Following Brexit and the devaluation of sterling this is even more the case.
We would love to work with more USA based publishers. Stack are hosting three events in New York this week, and Park are sponsoring those nights. We will be at the events with examples of our work for folks to pick up and browse and will be giving away two magazines to each person who comes to join us.
You work with many small independent publishers. What one piece of advice would you offer a new magazine looking for production help?
Talk to us very early on. We can give you guidance on how to achieve the most for your spend on print.
What are most looking forward to about ModMag?
There were so may interesting speakers last year and the line-up for this year seems just as good. And of course, it is another opportunity to catch up with old friends and meet new ones too.
ModMag16 is now sold out.