Interview with Fantastic Man
Last week I did a live interview with Gert Jonkers and Jop von Bennekom, the editors of Fantastic Man, at the third What Design Can Do conference in Amsterdam. You can watch our conversation above (25mins).
The conference encompassed all types of design – graphics, architecture, digital, food, technology – and was one of the best-organised events I’ve taken part in. It took place at the Stadsschouwburg, a beautiful 19th century theatre and each day opened and closed with a gospel choir singing a design statement (ie Dieter Rams’ ten principles), the perfect way to wake people up. Speakers presented in twenty minute sessions, with a series of breakout sessions straight after lunch. Highlights included London digital design duo Hellicar & Lewis, Indian architect Rahul Mehrotra and food designer Marije Vogelzang. They’re already planning WDCD 2014, well worth going if you can.
Magazine-wise, as well as my Fantastic Man interview, Rene and Anneke from Amsterdam’s best magazine shop Atheneuam had a pop-up shop over the two days, and ran a breakout session about independent magazines with some astute observations about current indies. And editor of Italian Wired Carlo Antonelli gave a talk which seemed to polarise the audience – I’m looking forward to catching up with that on video.