Kickstarting Fiera
As I mentioned here last week, we’re launching a magazine with fellow blogger Katie Treggiden.
Fiera will build on Katie’s knowledge of the furniture/product design world to provide a unique record of each seasons design fairs. Her Confessions of a Design Geek blog already provides great coverage of the young designers and new ideas she discovers, but the magazine promises more definitive round-ups from the fairs and additional content from figures in the design world. We want it to be a collectible publication of record.
As well as a great opportunity to work with Katie on an exciting new magazine, what attracted me to the project is she comes from a blogging background, and I liked the idea, the story, of two bloggers creating a print magazine together. I’ve written before about digital publishers moving into print and this seemed the right project to have a go too. I’m also fascinated to see the Kickstarter fundraising process close up, and hope to learn something I can share about that.
There’s much more about the magazine on the Kickstarter site, and we have a launch party this Thursday.
A big thank you to the many people that have helped us get this far, and to everyone who’s backed the project already. I hope you’ll join them.