Newspapers relaunch websites
TimesOnline has a much-publicised re-launch and re-design this week, featuring a unique lime green masthead. Some initial tech problems, but they've got the language right in explaining the situation. 'If you've been having problems seeing the site, this is what's gone wrong…' they explain in that chatty tone the web demands. First feedback here. My impression is the site reflects the print edition well; efficient but safe.
Meanwhile the Mirror launches their newly designed site. To be fair, I wasn't a regular at their previous site but what could that have looked like if this is an improvement? There remains the chance that this re-launch is an ironic retro-design statement but I fear it's a very small chance.
Next up: the Guardian Unlimited relaunch. No date yet but some of their newer content is using this elegant design which I'm sure gives a feel for where they're headed.