Noted, 30.08.19
Looking forward, looking back: magCultural must-knows
At last!
The 1993 book about legendary UK mag Nova has just been republished with a new introduction. A great book about a beuatiful magazine, plenty of images.
‘The original stylist’
Talking of Nova, Iain R Webb’s 2010 interview with the magazine’s fashion editor Caroline Baker is a must-read. We hear she has a book coming soon too.
Coming up in late September at London’s House of Illustration: an exhibition of Cuban cold war graphics includes stunning propaganda mags like Tricontinental, introduced by HoI curator Olivia Ahmed at last year’s ModMag.
New niche boom
Different Leaf is the latest in a stream of cannabis mags from North America, marking the growing trend towards legalisation of the drug, this time in Massachusets.
Now printing
The Face is about to return to print; watch this space…
The magCulture Quarter returns as part of the London Art Book Fair at The Whitechapel, 5—8 September. As well as selling, our invited 16 magazines will be presenting their work in a series of lunchtime talks
Happening soon
London, 3 September:
Eye magazine’s next Type Tuesday is all about Neon.
And also, Shado hosts a discussion about activism in print.
Hamburg, 7-8 September:
If you can’t join us at LABF (see above) is Hamburg’s indie mag festival Indiecon is a must-do .
London, 9 September:
BSME asks, Does a Magazine Need Paper?
Edinburgh, 20 September:
PPA Scotland’s annual MagFest includes an indie session with Jeremy Leslie and the magCulture pop-up Shop.
Toronto, 24 October:
Jeremy is one of the speakers at two-day festival Design Thinkers.
London, 7 November:
magCulture Live! Book now for earlybird rates.
London, 8 November:
PPA present their annual Independent Publisher Conference and Awards.