Journal tagged by Digital devices

Berlin, 8 October: celebrate the launch of the new issue six of Flaneur – the Moscow edition. The November issue of British Vogue discovers ‘real women’ with an issue dedicated to academics and businesswoman. Oh, and a Hollywood A lister...
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Out now
W Instazine
Commissioned by Ballantines Whisky, W is the first ever ‘Instazine’ – a small digital magazine that can only be read by scrolling through Instagram on your smartphone. The studio behind it, London-based Work Club, have written a manifesto of sorts...
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Print x Digital
The Printer’s Tale
I went to a fascinating evening of talks called ‘The Printer’s Tale’ at Decoded the other night. The plentiful wine and mince pies were enough on their own to spread cheer, but the talks were equally enjoyable, looking at how...
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Cover story
Overmatter 02.09.11
The Green Soccer Journal follow up the piece in their latest issue about Colombian Mullets with more photos online. Salvador Dali’s Vogue front covers. Barcelona’s Folch Studio have just designed the third issue of Tiger magazine. I might be late...
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SPD apps judging
The SPD held their judging this weekend. Alongside the trestle tables of printed magazines, a new judging process was neccesary to deal with digital apps, above. Designer and judge Joe Zeff has a great rundown of what he learned ‘over...
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Zine publisher Nieves recently launched an iPad app, and it’s already matching paper sales of their publications. I like the plastic wrapper effect on the individual zine images; less convinced by the page turns. Anyone remember a company called...
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