Journal tagged by Infographics

A mag in five pix
Delayed Gratification #39
The slow journalism pioneers at Delayed Gratification have just published their 39th issue, looking back at the second quarter of this year, April– June. Which of course was the period the world realised Covid-19 was a true pandemic. It’s fascinating...
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Out now
National Geographic, February 2018
The latest edition of National Geographic magazine explores the increasing ubiquity of surveillance in contemporary society, what makes birds intelligent, and the wild utopia of The Falklands. So far, to form. There is, however, a twist. The issue is guest-edited...
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Overmatter 29.12.14
‘A nod of respect.’ Elliot Jay Stocks of Lagom reminds indie publishers of the need to pay contributors. The New York Times is setting up a new European hub in London, meeting The Guardian head-on. Childen’s arts and science mag...
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Magazine of the week
Magazine of the week: FAT
As a long-time follower of Helsinki’s Kasino Creative Studio it's a pleasure to highlight their latest publication, FAT. That's both Finnish Art Today and Famous Art tomorrow, typically light hearted linguistic touches that sum up this exciting new magazine. The...
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Magazine of the week
Magazine of the week: Zeit Magazin
The art direction and design of Germany’s Zeit Magazin, the weekly supplement to the daily Die Zeit newspaper, has long been a visual treat for visitors to Germany. Yet as editor Christoph Amend says in his letter introducing this new...
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Overmatter 17.09.13
Indie wine mag Noble Rot are looking for Kickstarter support. Do it! SND goes behind the scenes of last week’s New York Bloomberg cover. Loved this infographic on the front of The New York Times. A profile of Chile’s satirical...
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