Journal tagged by Report

magCulture Live NY24, report
The fifth edition of magCulture Live New York took place a couple of weeks ago, themed ‘Voices of New York,’ with speakers from a range of magazines showcasing how their publication relates to the city. Jeremy looks back on the day and the MagMagMag pop-up and events leading up to it.

Our 2023 favourites

2022 Review
Which magazines stood out in 2022? What themes did we spot? Before we dive fully into the new year, here’s our look back at the old one. Spoiler: in our world, at least, it was good ’un. Expect newcomers, surprise returns and redesigns alongside familiar favourites, events, podcasts and a new generation of magazine shops.

magCulture Live, London 2021—the afternoon

magCulture Live, London 2021—the morning

Independent magazine survey #2
For our second brief report based on the results of our recent survey of indie publishers—the first ever formal research in this area—we find out more about the role of advertising for indies, and whether or not it’s a significant source of income for the sector.