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We Are Makers #10

270 x 200mm, 130 pages
Glasgow, UK
First published 2020
Created by: Kate and Jack Lennie

Created by a couple of self-identified 'makers', the Glasgow-born publication We Are Makers exists to 'connect the reader and the maker' while providing an opportunity for in-depth stories to be shared, craft to be (deservedly) shown off and creative communities cultivated. 

The latest issue marks five years of publishing, and the WAM editors proudly declare their resilience. To celebrate, this edition 'continues its mission to illuminate the lives and crafts of extraordinary artisans, bringing their unique stories and incredible work right to your doorstep.'

Inside, hyperrealism artist from Toluca, Mexico, a printmaker from Ibadan, Nigeria, an artisan specialising in handcrafted eyewear from Bangkok, Thailand, and a carver and letter cutter from Hampshire, UK and so much more.

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