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Paperboy #5

210 × 275 mm, 162 pages (cloth-bound)
London, UK
First published 2021
Editor/Paperboy: David McKendrick
Design & art direction: David McKendrick and Ben McLaughin 

Now a seasoned shop favourite, this fifth issue sees the magazine enter its ‘gawky adolescent’ years, perfect bound for the first time and wrapped in a bright blue, bookcloth-esque dust jacket, making it the chunkiest Paperboy yet. They grow up so fast!

This is the ‘Two Sides’ issue, celebrating ‘the Yin and the Yang, the odd and the even, salty and the sweet. Opening with a series of Sock People shot by Charles Negre and Rémy Briere, you’ll encounter Sarah Endelman's simple things, a short illustrated poem by Iris de Moüy, bollards dressed in hoodies and words from our very own Danielle Mustarde, whose tale of love, life and two-faced Roman god Janus will be sure to tug at the heartstrings. 

On the Journal:
At work with David McKendrick: ‘I don’t want it to sound too basic, but I drew up a wish list of all the great accomplished people I have worked with over the years, and I dreamt a little, and in an old fashioned manner got on the phone, told them about Paperboy, and the idea and begged the question “will you be part of this?” and much to my surprise, everyone seemed up for it.’
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