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Revue Faire #47/48

210 x 297mm, 68 pages
Paris, France (Bilingual, French & English)
Published since 2017
Editors: Sacha Leopold & Francis Havegeer
Design: Syndicat
Authors (of this issue): Camille Pageard & Simon Renaud

‘Machines, Accents, and Affects’ & ‘Electric Letters’

Published every 15 days during the French university year, September to June, Revue Faire is a vital addition to the small selection of journals addressing graphic design from a critical standpoint. Every issue generally consists of a single essay on a different creative subject, presented in the magazine’s glorious graphic style.

This double issue features two linked essays, delineated by paper type. In the opening glossy, white section,  Camille Pageard examines 19th century research into ‘writing the voice,’ the idea that we might take the spoken voice and mechanically convert it to physical writing. For the second part, on matt yellow paper, Simon Renaud extends the discussion to the development of coded communications that could be ‘read’ by machines.

At Work With founders Sacha and François: ‘We started Revue Faire as we finished being weekly lecturers in graphic design schools. But the publishing rhythm is based on the school schedule—an issue every 15 days, from September to June. The main purpose is to deliver every 15 days a kind of small course about one specific topic. In that way, one season can become a kind of visual culture course in 15 lessons.’
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