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Revue Faire #38

210 x 297mm, 64 pages
Paris, France (Bilingual, French & English)
First published in 2017
Editors: Sacha Leopold & Francis Havegeer
Design: Syndicat
Author (of this issue): Thierry Chancogne

Published every 15 days during the French university year, October to May, Revue Faire is a vital addition to the small selection of journals addressing graphic design from a critical standpoint. Every issue has a different subject and visual theme. Issue 38 is a thicker-than-usual, special issue which explores a 1972 meeting between the two big beasts of Dutch graphic design: Jan Van Toorn and Wim Crouwel.

‘Our scene is set in the Museum Fodor in Amsterdam on November 9th, 1972. We are told that it was “smoky, noisy and crowded”, and that the gathered audience made its presence felt through “frequent shouting”. The center of this fevered arena hosted the encounter between two Graphic Designers, two graphistes, two typographers, Wim Crouwel and Jan Van Toorn, in a country where their voices carry, where their thinking is important. A meeting, a conversation, or rather a confrontation, a controversy, it has been described as a debate, one that characterizes the way in which our discipline was represented in the 1980s and that continues to echo today.)’

On the Journal
At work with Sacha and François, Revue Fair:
‘We started Revue Faire as we finished being weekly lecturer in graphic design schools. But the publishing rhythm is based on the school schedule—an issue every 15 days, from September to June. The main purpose is to deliver every 15 days a kind of small course about one specific topic. In that way, one season can become a kind of visual culture course in 15 lessons.’
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