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Strap #1

210 x 297 mm, 216 pages
Manchester, UK
First published 2023
Editor-in-chief and creative director: Ben Saunders

‘A queer trans masc magazine’

A brand new, thick-bodied, visually-led publication centering trans masculine members of the queer community and created by Manchester-based creative Ben Saunders — alongside a whole host of queer models, poets, writers and contributors. Inside you'll find photography, erotica, illustrations, interviews and a very useful list of queer community resources to boot.

Strap is one of a handful of new queer magazines for and by the community who don't necessarily identify as cisgender gay men — which is the audience LGBTQI+ publications historically tend to cater for (The Bittersweet Review and HÄN are two others who are also platforming diverse queer voices). As such, Strap is a welcome addition to our shelves. And an incredibly hot one at that. Uff.

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