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The Plant #20

230 x 300 mm, 208 pages
Barcelona, Spain (English-language)
First published 2010
Editor-in-chief: Cristina Merino
Creative direction: Isabel Merino and Carol Montpart

‘A curious observer of ordinary plants and other greenery’

Always a joy to receive and carefully leaf through, The Plant is full of stories branching off in this way and that after beginning in the earth, roots, leaves and flowers.

The 20th issue is meant to go beyond borders: ‘to rethink our limits and redraw our vision of the future.’ Choose between three covers—photography by Ana Roque and Lena C. Emery and a fruity illustrated version by Amelie von Wulffen—and inside you’ll find further features of these three cover artists plus mending wooly jumpers, a walk with British fashion designer Margaret Howell, a retrospective of Nan Goldin's landscapes, and plenty of playful, plant-based photography.

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