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The New Standard #1

195 x 265 mm, 168 pages
London, UK
Published ireegularly
First published 2024
Editor: Riya Patel
Art director: Alistair Webb

A collection of ‘ideas, inspirations and musings of three creative studios’—Made Thought, Map Project and Universal Design Studio just down the road from the magCulture shop—The New Standard offers a mix of case studies, interviews and insights from brands and practitioners across various design disciplines. Split into four parts—Pioneers; Community & Placemaking; Technology & Innovation; Future Cities—this debut issue is themed ‘Collaboration’. 

Inside: Natoora founder Franco Fubini on revolutionising the food system, Made Thought's Ella Wilson on a new dating app Feeld, Belgium's approach to building festival infrastructure, a directory of next-gen plant-based materials, and an essay by MOLD editor LinYee Yuan on collaborating with ‘our planetary kin’.

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