Discovery discount
Are you missing the random discoveries that in-shop magazine browsing brings?
Our Discovery Discount aims to help you add a little of that serendipity to your online shopping. While we’re selling plenty of the big favourites online – Fantastic Man and Real Review for instance – the lesser known magazines get overlooked. But if you’re hungry to try something else and support newer magazines, we can make you the following offer:
Save 15% on the established magazine you already love, by adding a second, lesser-known one to your order.
How it works
Buy one magazine from each of the two lists below, and save 15% on the magazine in list A. Your discount will automatically be added at checkout.
List A
Aperture #240
Delayed Gratification #39
Ernest #10
The Gentlewoman #22
Hole & Corner #20
MacGuffin #9
Real Review #9
Shop this list
List B
Blue #2
Club Sandwich #4
Dropped #1
Extra Teeth #2
Icarus Complex #2
Scenic Views #2
Unseen, Nathalie Lees
Shop this list
This discount continues until 11:59pm on 30 October