Overmatter 22.10.13
‘Three years after Apple unveiled the iPad… tablets still account for… just 3.3 percent of total circulation.’ AdAge disects the iPad problem.
Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter talks canoes and magazines on the Charlie Rose site; ‘Magazines are the perfect invention… the perfect medium for telling stories.’ Well worth the 20+ mins video (thanks Chris).
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of John Carpenter’s movie ‘They Live’, a Swiss publisher has recreated the featured Obey magazine. More on CRBlog.
New York magazine said to to be considering going fortnightly.
I’ll be talking about my book ‘The Modern Magazine’ at two of my favourite European magazine stores – Do You Read Me? (Berlin) on 7 November, and Atheneaum Newscentrium (Amsterdam) on 21 November. Details to follow.
Plus – next Printout coming up at the end of November, with a great line-up of speakers. News very soon.