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Printout illustration special: audio

Printout illustration special: audio

Somehow we’ve overlooked illustration at Printout until now, but this week’s night more than made up for that. We focused on the relationship between art directors and illustrators, with three sets of collaborators sharing their working process to a full room.

We recorded the audio feed of the three talks and group Q&A session; the questions can’t be heard in the final file, but I hope the answers are useful anyhow!


The Ride Journal
Andrew Diprose, art director, and Shan Jiang

Polly Glass and Chris Harrison, founders, and Saskia Pomeroy

Off Life
Daniel Humphries, founder, and Jean Jullien

All speakers, moderated by Steve Watson

From left: Shan, Andrew, Jean, Daniel, Saskia, Polly (Chris missing).

Printout: Illustration took place at The Book Club, London, on 26 May 2015. The next Printout takes place on 28 July.

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