Journal tagged by Designers

The Face Magazine: Culture Shift
New exhibition ‘The Face Magazine: Culture Shift’ celebrates the iconic photography from style magazine The Face. To mark its opening, founder Nick Logan and first art director Neville Brody discussed their working relationship and how the magazine influenced a generation. Listen to a recording of their conversation.

Eye #107
Designing magazine covers retains a reputation as an almost mystical practice, so when one hit us as strongly as the latest Eye cover design did, we wanted to dig a bit deeper. We spoke to the magazine’s art director Simon Esterson about the cover design, and the montage approach they’ve used since issue one in 1990.

Oliviero Toscani, RIP
The death of photographer Oliviero Toscani was announced yesterday. He created many great images, but it’s his role in the launch of Colors that will always endear him to magazine-makers. To mark his passing, we’re publishing a column Jeremy wrote for Creative Review in 2011 as Colors marked its 20th anniversary.

The SPD Awards
Why should you enter your work to the Society of Publication Designers annual awards programme? We ask the co-chairs of this year’s 60th edition of the awards about their role, their experience of the awards, and why they believe it’s worth having your design work judged by your peers.

Alex Hunting, Footnote

Richard Turley interviewed
Richard Turley is one of only a handful of people working in magazines today who could be described as advancing the very idea of what a magazine can be. Arjun Basu at the Full Bleed podcast has just interviewed Richard about his work, and we’re excited to present this illustrated transcript of their conversation.