ZEITmagazin MANN, #1
ZEITmagazin MANN is – as the name suggests – a new men’s offshoot of ZEITmagazin edited by the newspaper supplement’s editor-in-chief Christoph Amend and art directed by Mirko Borsche. Unlike the weekly, MANN is a standalone, bi-annual that costs €8.50 and aims to fill a gap in the German market which notably lacks obvious alternatives to the big titles like GQ and Esquire.
We’ve selected it as our magazine of the week because, quite simply, this is something that would never be produced by a newspaper in the UK.
Inside the 180-page publication, there’s a portrait of Hollywood star Christopher Waltz (above), columns on politics and the meaning of masculinity, and an in-depth interview with the ex wife of Paul Getty Jr, Gisela Getty, that’s the first of a series called ‘The Men in My Life’ (also above). An elegant accessory and home-ware shoot (below) recalls the well-conceived still-lifes found in ZEITmagazin, and overall the visual language is bold, modern and sophisticated with occasional bright flashes of colour and expressive use of type (also below).
I like how you can find a piece that looks like it could be in an upscale big magazine, for example the visit with a 103-year-old winery that has sophisticated photography by Apartamento’s Nacho Alegre, (below), alongside spreads that feel more ‘indie’ in nature, like a feature on craftsmen that includes bold flash photography (also below). This ability to flip effortlessly from one approach to another is typical of all the ZEIT publications.
The ZEITmagazin team already releases a biannaul international English-language edition and now MANN has entered as the newest member of the family. Like the rest of its relatives, it’s beautifully conceived, filled with striking visuals, thoughtful stories and engaging quick reads. Here’s hoping that the ZEITmagazin venture will continue to grow. Who knows, maybe one day a sister title in the form of ZEITmagazin FRAU might even complete the family.