Journal tagged by Magazine of the week

Magazine of the week
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Mold #5
The food magazine is such a traditional genre in publishing that it’s easy to overlook how far from lifestyle and recipes many wander. And perhaps the most adventurous is Mold, the New York title focused on the future of food.

Magazine of the week
The Modern House #1
Online estate agancy The Modern House launched in 2005, initially specialising in modernist houses and apartments. It has since expanded its scope to feature good design from other periods too, celebrating the idea that well-designed living spaces help our wellbeing....
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Magazine of the week
Hamam #1
This new magazine from Istanbul, launched following a successful Kickstarter campaign, is only the second magazine to celebrate baths and bathing I’ve ever known. The first one, Wet, published at the end of the 1970s, remains a publishing benchmark for...
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Magazine of the week
Ordinary #9
‘Fine art photography’ mag Ordinary needs no introduction – which is probably why it doesn’t have one. If it did, I reckon this issue’s intro would go something like this: what could be more ordinary than a tampon? After all,...
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Magazine of the week
Icarus Complex #1
New magazine Icarus Complex arrives as Extinction Rebellion make headlines in the UK with a fortnight of London-based climate protests. Both timely and impressive, it’s our Magazine of the Week. Not unlike magCulture favourite It’s Freezing in LA, Icarus Complex...
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Magazine of the week
Fantastic Man #30
I still remember being shown the very first issue of Fantastic Man; it was astonishingly different to existing men’s magazines in 2005. With their 30th issue, founders Jop van Bennekom and Gert Jonkers have completely changed their magazine to astonish...
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