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CURA. #42

205 x 270 mm, 300+ pages
Rome, Italy (English-language)
Publishers and editors-in-chief: Ilaria Marotta & Andrea Baccin
Creative director: Andrea Baccin
Graphic design: Countersubject

A magazine is just one part of the CURA. platform, which also consists of a publishing house and an exhibition programme. All elements are open to novel interactions and experiments around contemporary art, curation and research—this means the magazine is open to experiments in design and formats.

This latest issue marks 15 years for the magazine, which celebrates with three appropriately grotesque covers for the theme ‘We Monsters’, an exploration of artists’ interest in weird life forms produced by the imagination, and the dismantling of a fictive idea of normality and its divisive categorizations.

Inside, a wide spectrum of monstrous figures, beast-like characters, aberrations, masks and figures, human and animal hybrids, nightmares, and chimeras ’ presented through the lenses of pop culture, music, performance and fashion, featuring particularly visceral visual essays from Charlie Fox and Jon Rafman and special feature titled ‘Monster Zine’. Plus, lots of impressive, monstrous prosthetics.

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