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Phase Zero #7

215 x 280 mm, 30 pages (staple bound & poster)
New York City, US
First published 2023
Editors: Maya Valencia & Sydney Maggin
Design & production: Maya Valencia & Sydney Maggin

Zine-y and DIY, Phase Zero is a self-published, experimental title on a mission to document the ever-evolving NYC counterculture scene. It’s built from submissions solicited by flyers posted around downtoen Manhattan, the lively design and eclectic coverage marking it as a unique art zine that is part artefact, part treasure map. 

For this seventh issue, Phase Zero wonders at the heavenly significance of the number seven and divides the issue into 28 parts to keep to theme. Find inside: hand drawn comics and illustration, band interviews, poetry, short fiction, and an overall aesthetic homage to the distinct inky blurring of being run through the copier many times over.

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