Digital Frontier #1
230 x 300 mm, 120 pages
London, UK
Published since 2024
Founder: Josh Hewes
Editor: Sophia Epstein
Design: Charlotte Cripps
‘The future decoded’
Offering itself as ‘a physical artefact from the digital world’, new launch Digital Frontier does just what you might imagine it to. Born of the tech-focused, media and events company of the same name, DF aims to dig deep into how tech is both rapidly developing and tangibly influencing the ways in which we live our lives.
In this inaugural issue, you'll find in-depth coverage of everything from ‘AI Jesus’, AI's ever-widening role in visual art, how biofeedback data has allowed smart vibrators to improve orgasms, why and how AI might learn to forget, and lots more.
Oh, and the cover? It was actually painstakingly created by (human) design director, Charlotte Cripps, who ‘spent more than 11 hours trawling through open-source image libraries; downloading drawings, photos, paintings [...] and painstakingly extricating them from their numerous backdrops. This Emerald City is actually 33 places; an amalgam forming something entirely new.’