Creative Review, Spring 2025
247 x 247 mm, 116 pages
London, UK
Editor: Eliza Williams
Creative Director: Lex Guerra
Covering design, advertising and the creative industries since 1980.
The latest edition of Creative Review is their annual ‘Future’ issue, which looks ahead at the trends set to shape the creative industries in the seasons ahead. This one sports an excellent cover (coming soon!) courtesy of creative duo Shadrinsky, currently making lo-fi waves in the luxury fashion world. The front is great—the exploding box of packing popcorn feels particularly relatable with magazine deliveries at the magCulture shop some days—the back cover is equally amusing.
Inside, a look at the subversive MSCHF, the role of graphics in progressive politics, method advertising with Soursop, Extraweg's title work for TV series Severance, and how ad agencies still struggle with social media.
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Editor Eliza Williams talked to Jeremy Leslie in 2020 about the Creative Review’s changing presence over the past 40 years.