Pull Letter #3
296 x 210mm, 243 pages
London, UK
Editor-in-chief: Jamie-maree Shipton
Design: Foxall Studio
This is the third, bright and bold 'Object-ification' issue of fashion title Pull Letter. A new addition to our shelves, this edition involves is a tongue-in-cheek study as to what makes an object an object? Think: function, value, and the ways in which objects can be recontextualised through the wider lens of fashion.
Inside, you'll find editorial pieces like 'You are what you eat' and 'Use it or wear it' which reinvents the ways in which we might usually perceive particular objects by redefining them as tools for styling. As well as the pleasing absurdity of this glossy-paged publication, you'll find features exploring designers and artists whose works also touches on this theme of 'Object-ification'.