February 2017
So many magazines! We can’t review them all in detail, so here are ten from Feburary that deserve a mention. Greek sex! Icelandic food! French fashion! British clubbing!
Fluffer Everyday, issue 1
Printed three times a year, Fluffer Everday is all about the ‘everyday stuff that gets you hard’. Tongue-in-cheek and explicit in tone, the online and printed zine is an ‘unconventional diary’ filled with the photographs, videos and stories that turns its editor on. This is not a magazine about basketball.
The Move, issue 1
Positioned as a fight back against the clampdown on clubbing in UK cities, this music mag has a strong focus and a readymade audience. The slight air of nostlagia is balanced by more contemporary stories and an urgent, newsy design.
Tank, the Gossip issue
Another hefty 290 pages of fashion and themed writing oozes with the confidence of its long years of production. Always good-looking and a cut above the rest of the fashion titles in its writing standards.
Cool Brother Zine, issue 2
Cool Brother is a relateively new music and illustration zine that’s in a similar vein to So Young. This second issue includes illustration by Benn Jacson, magCulture favourite Thomas Hedger, and Joanna Olk, and is abstractly themed ‘Under the Sea’.
Faeda/Food, issue 1
Bilingual magazines are always slightly compromised as they squeeze two sets of texts onto the page, but this new food title glories in the strange letter combinations and long words of its Icelendic homeland. Good photography, neat design.
Viper, issue 7
Viper is a magazine ‘born out of frustration” that Hip Hop related press is at its “least intelligent”. The newest theme is ‘Barely Legal’ (note the parental advisory stamp on the cover) and as well as exploring stories of musicians and the law, the magazine examines fashion and lifestyle brands.
Architectural Review, March 2017
In the context of the recent pussyhat protests, the new issue of AR looks at public space, protest and women in architecture, asking how has our definition of open space changed in recent months? Inside, there’s also an indicative analysis of the results of the global Women in Architecture Survey, revealing the widening pay gap and shocking sexism within the profession.
MAStermind, issue 1
Another hefty fashion magazine packed with the type of big names you’d expect from founder T Magazine’s fashion director Marie-Amelie-Sauve (the M-A-S highlighted in the title). Full of rich imagery and high-end ads it’s well-made but feels a little odd in a hardback book binding – you want to flick.
Territory, issue 1
This is an intriguing new large-format magazine from Arizona, claiming to be the first “Moderne Journal” of the Southwest, which translates as fashion, design and cuisine in a well-made package that takes pride in supporting its local traditions and history. But I’m curious to know who its audience will be — how does this love of tradition sit with its desire to be contemporary?
The Wrong Quarterly, issue 5
London-based literary print-journal The Wrong Quarterly showcases cross-genre fiction, and this cover and redesign suggest a new visually maturity for the promising title.