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Happy new year to all our customers and suppliers. The shop is back on regular hours!
Happy new year to all our customers and suppliers. The shop is back on regular hours!
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kasina a4 and carls cars covers

Latest editions of several magCulture favourites are now out. First up the sixth Kasino A4, featuring a look at ‘Human Nature’, a clever way of dealing with the Big Green Issue. As they say in their intro, ‘The thing is that often when there’s talk about nature, people speak as if we humans weren’t a part of nature.… there is no us without nature, and no nature without us’. Inside the issue there’s a series of Mother Earth Deathmatch play-offs, featuring Human vs Nature battles such as Chernobyl, the Dodo, the Boxing Day Tsunami; a group of German kids show their drawings of Nature; the editor trawls through his neighbour’s dustbins; and a look at our desire for the fake.

Carl*s Cars also returns, with issue 21. See how a Rolls Royce is built; read about the Norwegian car happily named Troll (only five were ever built); see the work of car-obsessed Japanese photographer Daido Moriyama; enjoy model Iselin Steiro looking bored around classic cars. Great stuff, as ever.

Also out now but unseen: issue 13 of Volume and issue 8 of Romania's Omagiu.

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