Overmatter 22.03.12
Stack has an interview with Davey Spen from Boat ahead of his Guardian Masterclass on April 2.
PPA announce the line up for their 100th anniversary conference, May 8, London.
Design magazines of the world come together to create a series of t-shirts for Uniqlo.
Ricochet promises ads linked to twitter posts.
UK Esquire editor Alex Bilmes discusses his magazine’s approach to women as ornamental, like cars (video, put down your coffee before viewing ).
I’m helping organise this year’s AGI Open conference in London this Autumn. Check out the Open website for details, with more on CR Blog. Of particular magCultural interest: Christophe Niemann, Marion Deuchars, Michael Beirut, and more.
We’re about to shake things up a little in our online shop, there are a few sale offers while we tidy things up.