Journal tagged by Detailed

Spectra #1
New poetry magazine Spectra’s 232 pages contain only words—there are no images—but its graphic and physical design combine to make those words more open and accessible than other poetry mags. Take a look through its pages as we highlight the features of this subtle piece of editorial design.

032c #40
As Berlin-based art-fashion-culture mag 032c reaches its 40th issue take a flick through its pages to observe its latest design features, with particular attention to the ‘Société de 032c’ section that opens the issue.
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Amalgam #3
This new issue of Illinois, US-based design journal Amalgam is a triumph of self-imposed parameters. It’s a brilliant piece of black and white editorial design, the denial of colour forcing its maker Pouya Ahmadi to find other ways to bring to life the issue’s rich design- and language- focused content.
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Luncheon #11
While some magazines waste multiple covers with repetitive imagery, Luncheon uses them to express the breadth of the magazine’s content. The three different images to ponder this time include a rich food illustration by the great Tomi Ungerer, whose beautiful work also defines the various ‘courses’ inside the issue.
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Pin-Up #28
We don’t care for over-categorising the magazines we write about and sell; so many cut cross different genres to combine often unrelated subjects. A good example of this is Pin-Up, the ‘Magazine for Architectural Entertainment.’ Issue 28 of the New...
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Fantastic Man #31
I wrote about the reinvention of Fantastic Man last issue, noting about its new format, ‘I love the square. The extra width helps the design, it’s a shame more mags don’t try it.’ The second issue in the redesigned format...
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