Rouleur #133
210 x 290 mm, 148 pages
London, UK
Published eight times a year
First launched 2006
Editor: Edward Pickering
Art director: Enric Adell
‘Cycling culture’
Independent road cycling staple Rouleur totes itself as ‘the finest cycling journal in the world’. The name? Rouleur [roo-ler] ‘a rider with strength and style who goes hard on all terrain.’ Published eight times a year, this latest edition is their 133rd:
Breaking with their usual selection of a theme, a staple over the last four years, Rouleur #133 allows room for ‘serendipitous resonance’ between features. Take, for example, the interviews with Kristen Faulkner, Esra Tromp and Rosa Klöser: three women whose aligning personal trajectories have propelled them towards successful professional cycling careers.
Who needs a theme per issue when your general theme, ‘of telling the most interesting stories in cycling through great writing, beautiful photography and elegant layout,’ speaks for itself?