Coming this week: The Modern Magazine 2014
This Friday sees our Modern Magazine conference return to London. Here’s an overview of what to expect from the day, along with the running order.
As last year, the overarching idea for the day is to celebrate the creativity of the best in editorial design. What links all the invited speakers is the way they all strive to make the most of the magazine format to communicate ideas. Expect plenty of stunning visuals from print, iPad and web from many of our favourite projects.
But a great day of visuals alone is not enough, so there are three themes threaded through the day.
With some of the most thoughtful and innovative independent magazines represented among the speakers, after we hear from them individually we’ll hear from them together on a panel to discuss their position in the publishing world. Is the independent model the future of publishing? Should the mainstream be looking to them for inspiration? Can small magazine publishing become a successful longterm business, or will they always be hobby projects? These are questions that are regularly asked at our Printout evenings – with Steve Watson asking the questions we hope to get some definitive answers.
As magazines, newspapers and websites tackle the editorial–advertising divide in an attempt to develop new income streams, we hear from Jeremy Langmead about his experience of content marketing. Jeremy is now chief content officer of Christie’s, and until recently was editor in chief at global men’s fashion retailer Mr Porter. What are the differences between working for a client brand and editing a monthly magazine? How do you create content that helps sell your service or brand without being a watered down magazine/catalogue hybrid?
Along the way I’m sure we’ll hear plenty of thoughts about how the various print publications are working with digital, not least from David Moretti whose stunning designs for Wired Italia have been readily adapted to the iPad. But we’ll focus on this at the end day with Adam Moss, editor in chief of New York magazine. Adam has overseen a brilliant recreation of the magazine, first initiating a hugely influential redesign based on its seventies heyday and more recently retuning it to fit a developing digital strategy. I’ll be talking to Adam about the redesign project and the place of the print magazine within the range of websites and apps he is now responsible for.
The day lines up as follows:
9am Registration
9.45 Rob Orchard, Delayed Gratification
10.15 Kai Brach, Offscreen
10.55 Veronica Ditting, The Gentlewoman
11.30 Jeremy Langmead, chief content officer, Christies,
interviewed by Gideon Spanier, media editor, The Standard
12.15 Elana Schlenker, Gratuitous Type
12.30 Simon Lyle, Hot Rum Cow / Poppy
14.00 Peter Houston, The Magazine Diaries
14.15 David Moretti, Wired Italia
15.00 Danny Miller, Weapons of Reason
15.45 Danielle Pender, Riposte
16.00 The future of the independents: Rob, Kai, Simon, Danny
and Danielle, chaired by Steve Watson, Stack
16.45 Pekka Toivonen, FAT
17.15 Adam Moss, editor in chief, New York
interviewed by Jeremy Leslie, magCulture
Read the full list of speakers and their biographies here.
If you’ve bought a ticket already, look out for an email later today with full details of the day. And if you haven’t got your ticket yet, what are you waiting for? There are still some available in our online shop.
The Modern Magazine 2014 takes place at London College of Communication, Elephant & Castle, SE1 and is a partner of London Design Festival. Thanks to your supporters Park Communications, Sappi, Commercial Type, PPA and CMA.