Elena Cremona, The Earth Issue
We start the new week with Elena Cremona, founder and creatve director of The Earth Issue, a magazine bringing together artists and environmentalists to increase awareness about climate change. The second issue of the magazine has just been sent to print, its theme ‘Impact’ referring to both the effect humans have had on our climate and what we can now do to mitigate that effect.
Tell us about your typical Monday journey to work.
My Monday morning commute did consist of people-watching, head-bopping (listening to whatever music fits my mood for that particular day), and aww-ing at dogs in the park, while I rode past on the train. However, I have just left my London-based job and will now be relocating to the woods! My new journey will be more of a jump out-of-bed and into the treehouse nestled in the California Redwoods where I will work from my laptop.
Describe the state of your desk and what you can see in your office.
I don’t actually work from an office for The Earth Issue. Not that I would even call it a job, but more of a calling, a responsibility I have towards my Mother (Earth). My new desk will be a little table top in my new tree house, and my view from there will be nothing but trees, leaves, birds, perhaps a deer every now and then. Everything will be nature related.
Which magazine do you first remember?
National Geographic was my go to, even as a young child.
Which magazine matters to you the most right now?
At the moment I love reading Water Journal, a magazine dedicated to exploring all aspects around water and life, and celebrating the beauty within it (above). Also at the top of my list is Satori – matching beautiful artistic work with everyday stories of depression and anxiety (below).
Which feature in The Earth Issue best expresses your concerns about climate change through art?
I’m very proud of everything we’ve featured so far, but if I had to pick one it would be Zaria Forman’s drawings of glaciers and icebergs (above). Her drawings explore moments of transition, turbulence and tranquillity in the landscape, which allows the viewer to emotionally connect with a place they may never have the chance to visit. Rather than depicting the devastation of these threatened places, she chooses to convey the beauty of the arctic poles.
How do you ensure your magazine reflects your concerns for the environment?
Our entire magazine is made from 100% recycled paper, and the binding is 100% biodegradable to boot!
We have found the most sustainable printer around, Anglia Print, who have eliminated the use of all hazardous substances and water in the production process. They’re powered by 100% renewable energy, use waterless printing presses, non-soya vegetable oil-based inks and have had a zero waste to landfill policy since 2005. They are certified Carbon Neutral and use materials from eco-friendly, ethically and environmentally certified sources – 95% (by volume) of material purchased is Forest Stewardship Council®-certified or recycled.)
Your team work remotely – is this an easy process?
Our team is quite small – although I’d probably refer to them more as friends than team. We work voluntarily as we are all dedicated to spreading awareness about our responsibility towards the planet.
We are spread around the world: our co-founder and editor-in-chief Maela Ohana is based in Montreal, Canada, our designer Dipo Kayode-Osi is in London, our head of exhibitions Elizabeth Willis is currently in Tel Aviv, Israel and I (as founder and editor) will soon be working from California. Editorial and creative decisions are usually made between Maela, Dipo and myself, by skyping, creating pinterest boards and bouncing ideas off one another. Our creative vision is quite similar, so there’s never too much hassle when making final decisions.
What are you worrying about at work this week?
Finishing off deadlines to go into printing, applying for funding and sourcing biodegradable and recycled mail bags once orders are ready for shipping.
What’s going to be the highlight of the week for you?
Sending off issue two to the printers. Next weeks highlight will be finally seeing it in its physical form, and touching it (I love me a nice coated 100% recycled cover).
What will you be doing after this chat?
Possibly eating some blueberry pancakes.