It’s Freezing in LA!’s name
The back of each issue of climate change mag It’s Freezing in LA! carries the quote from Donald Trump that inspired the magazine’s name.
Trump tweeted in 2013, ‘Ice storm rolls from Texas to Tennessee — I’m in Los Angeles and it’s freezing. Global warming is a total, and very expensive, hoax!’ We’ve now had four years of him as US President, during which time he has done his best to apply his words to government policy.
With a new President to be inaugurated next month, we can look forward to a shift in that policy. Joe Biden has already made all the rights noises, announcing his intention for the US to rejoin the Paris climate agreement.
There’s much much more to be done beyond such symbolic changes, but the idea that we might one day back at the origin of IFLA!’s name with curiousity rather than dread is surely a reason to be cheerful.