magCulture Meets Chutney
Our 2023 events programme kicks off on Thursday 9 March, when we welcome Osman Bari, founder of Chutney, to introduce the third issue of his magazine.
Osman will be in converation with Jeremy Leslie, discussing how the magazine shares everyday stories of culture and identity. The name comes from a traditional Urdu retort that translates as, ‘Don’t make chutney with my brain’, an association that nicely highlights the mix of seriousness and humour in the content and design of this beautiful magazine.
The evening will also feature readings by four writers from the new issue: Jeanine Hourani, Sandy Christ, Simone Delaney and Marwan Kaabour.
Tickets cost £6 including taxes, and cover entry, drinks and after-hours shopping.
magCulture Meets Chutney
Thursday 9 March, 6.30—8.30pm
Our magCulture Meets evenings bring together magazine lovers for a drink and chat while learning about the new issue of a magazine.
The magCulture Shop
270 St John Street
London EC1V 4PE