magCulture Meets Fare
Join us at 6.30pm on August 17 for our latest event, magCulture Meets Fare.
Editor-in-chief Ben Mervis and creative director Ric Bell join us at the magCulture Shop to introduce the 13th edition of their food and travel magazine.
Launched in 2017, each issue of Fare takes one city as its theme, and using local writers sets out to explore the location through the intersection of food, history, and community. This latest issue visits Budapest.
Ben and Ric will present the new issue and share their working processes, and contributor Krisztina Fazekas will be reading an excerpt from her piece about Hungarian folk tales in the issue.
Book your ticket
Tickets cost £6 (including taxes), which covers entry, drinks and after-hours shopping.
See you there!

Our magCulture Meets evenings have run since 2016. They take place at the magCulture Shop in Clerkenwell; doors open at 6.30pm, the talks start at 7pm, and attendees can stay afterwards for a drink, chat and browse. We usaully wrap up about 8.30pm.
We’re grateful to Park Communications and Five Points Brewing Company for their support of magCulture Meets.