magRush 02: Vestoj
I first saw Vestoj when Andrew Losowsky brought a copy in to The Stack studio. It’s a small paperback book-sized magazine (this is issue three) about fashion that describes itself as ‘The Journal of Sartorial Matters’ and is published from France. Which might lead you to certain assumptions, but this is a far more academic project than your typical fashion mag. This issue, themed ‘Shame’ deals with issues often ignored in the fashion press: body image, fetishism and shame. All well researched, well written and important, but what’s great is it cares about the design of the material. This is the best-looking academic research publication I’ve ever seen, with different paper stocks, a tear-open centre section and flouro ink. It uses photography well too, and even includes a few of Scott King’s ‘Sink US Vogue’ covers.