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The magCulture Shop is now closed until Thursday 2 January 2025. Have a great Christmas!
The magCulture Shop is now closed until Thursday 2 January 2025. Have a great Christmas!
New York Review of Magazines
Print x digital

New York Review of Magazines


Thanks to my colleague Kevin for this great, great find. The New York Review of Magazines seems to be published once a year as a round up of news and views about US magazines. I've never seen a printed copy but the online editions have a printer's credit so I guess it does have a physical manifestation as well as these online versions.

There's so much good stuff. Just take a look at the 2004 and 2006 editions and enjoy the mix of humour (What is a magazine?; The Amazing Magazivo; and 88 Things to Do With a Magazine) and fact (Charting the Masthead; review of Men's Vogue). Enjoy!

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