Overmatter: 18.03.15
Hear Gail Bichler, design director of NYTimes Magazine, discuss the recent redesign in the latest MagHeroes podcast from Magpile…
…while NYTimes graphics editor Jennifer Daniel reveals she’d like to redesign Buzzfeed.
Kai Brach of Offscreen’s latest insight into making his mag is an overview of flatplanning: ‘Seeing all the spreads next to each other enables editors to identify where… stories or visuals are colliding.’
More audio: hear PPA chief exec, and all-round editorial guru, Barry McIlheney discuss his career including his time on Smash Hits and FHM.
If you’re in NY on 6 April, you can’t afford to miss the entire set of New York magazine design directors discussing the magazine; that’s everyone from Milton Glaser, via Walter Bernard and Bob Newman through to Luke Hayman and Chris Dixon.
‘A certain kind of print is dead, or dying, but who cares?’ Delayed Gratification have a nice interview with Ruth Jamieson, author of ‘Print is Dead. Long Live Print.’