Overmatter 18.08.11
Introducing the Salford Zine Library. As well as touring the UK, they’ll be exhibiting their collection from 15 October 2011 to 29 January 2012 at Islington Mill, Salford Salford Museum and Art Gallery. They’re after contributions to the show, too.
My favourite Amsterdam magazine store Athenaeum has a new online magazine about magazines (click on MagWhispers) . If only it was English-langauge!
It’s 35 years since Sniffing Glue set the tone for UK punk fanzines. I haven’t seen much celebration of this at home but here’s a Argentinian appreciation.
These pictures not only show the production method for seventies zines; this was how professional magazines were produced too.
Coming soon: the tenth annual St Bride Conference, co-curated by Eye’s John L Walters and featuring Stack’s Steve Watson among the speakers.