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Episode 23
magCulture Podcast

Episode 23

The magCulture Podcast digs a little deeper into the culture of magazines, meeting the people behind them and noting the links between different magazines and different eras.

Episode 23 features 23 magazines, opening with issue 23 of The Gentlewoman and closing with a look back at issue 23 of music mag ’Sup. In between, Jeremy Leslie takes a look at new issues of Backstage Talks and Failed States, introduces new launch The Home, and talks to The Plant’s Carol Montpart about making their new issue.

Jeremy also meets New Jersey-based magazine collector Steven Lomazow, who discusses his archive of 83,000 magazines as an exhibition featuring just a few of them opens in New York.

The two discuss the origins of the word ‘Magazine’ (the first mag to use the word, above) and the campaigning role of even the earliest magazines, including early black rights titles such as The Crisis (below).


You can find out more about Steven’s collection here, and the exhibition is at Manhattan’s Grolier Club; you can get a sense of what’s on show here: ‘Magazines and the American Experience.’ Well worth a browse, there are some great front covers here.

The Podcast ends with our back issue, this time music mag ’Sup, which published 25 issues between 1998 and 2015. We’ll be sharing some pictures of issue 23 of ’Sup later this week in a Back Issues post.

Listen below via Soundcloud, or on Apple or Spotify.



Episode 23 of the magCulture Podcast was recorded at the magCulture Shop during March 2021. Edited by Sam Williams.





We’re grateful to our friends at Park Communications for their support of the magCulture Podcast.



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