Journal tagged by At work with
Sacha and François, Revue Faire
Paris is currently the source of some really exciting magazines, one of which is graphic design journal Revue Faire. We meet its designer/publishers François Havegeer and Sacha Léopold, who launched the journal with the idea to address one topic every 15 days across the university year.
The Lim family, Rubbish FAMzıne
This week we hear from our friends Pann, Claire, Renn and Aira in Singapore, the family behind the wonderful Rubbish FAMzine. Every issue sparks a flurry of excitement at magCulture; search here on the Journal to see why we love it so! They share their thoughts as their book celebrating 10 years of the zine is published.
Lee and Roosa, BUM
This week we visit Helsinki to hear from architect Lee Marable and Finnish ceramicist Roosa Melentjeff, the people behind arts and culture magazine BUM. Immediately appealing for its physical appearance, each themed issue gives voice to young designers and critics to express themselves.
Rachel Davies, Storied
Ghislain Pascal, Boys! Boys! Boys!
Ghislain Pascal has been promoting and supporting photographers and their work since the nineties, as agent, publicist, gallerist and now magazine publisher. He answers our weekly Q&A as the third issue of his magazine Boys! Boys! Boys!, dedicated to work by queer and gay photographers, appears in shops.
Ella Paradis, The Black Explorer
Ella Paradis launched The Black Explorer in 2020 partly in response to her experience as a black woman working in the travel industry. As she starts to prepare the third issue, she discusses her working process and the origins of her magazine in the racism she faced as a Black tourist.