Journal tagged by Illustration

Ulana Suprun, Black Sea Whale
Ukrainian magazine The Black Sea Whale was first conceived as a platform for new Ukrainian writers and illustrators; as its publishers Ulana and Marko Suprun developed the idea, Russia invaded the country and the magazine was published in a very different context. Ulana tells us more as she shares her working week.

Samuel Medina, New York Review of Architecture
New York-based writer Samuel Medina is editor of New York Review of Architecture, the tabloid-sized black and yellow magazine that is building an audience for its long-form essays about architecture and its place in the wider culture. He tells us more about the magazine—and its rat mascots—as he shares his week ahead.

Left Cultures #2

Wrap #13

ZEITmagazin Internatıonal, 2022/23
The annual international edition of ZEITmagazin is always a great reminder of what we English-speakers miss in the weekly German edition: in short, great commissiong across wrod and image. Here’s a quick look at some visual highlights from this year’s issue.