Journal tagged by Magazine of the week
Magazine of the week
Magazine of the Week: Boat #7
Boat has long been a favourite project here at magCulture, for its ambition in setting out a brave new nomadic idea of magazine publishing. But this new issue, created in Lima, Peru, takes a huge step forward with a redesign...
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Magazine of the week
Magazine of the week: Toilet Paper
Following on from the previous post about kids mags, here’s a magazine for grown-up kids. And the two posts back-to-back explain one of the many great things about magazines: they are so varied. Toilet Paper is published from Italy by...
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Magazine of the week
Magazine of the Week: Eye #87, food special
Eye magazine will be familiar to most magCulture readers, but this new issue is a great reminder of the team’s commitment to magazines. Not only is it a great example of high-quality print itself, with different papers and beautiful reproduction,...
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Magazine of the week
Magazine of the week: TheNewerYork
Enjoying The New Yorker and wordplay meant the arrival of an email about a little publication called TheNewerYork jumped straight out at me, just as the magazine itself did when a couple of issues arrived in the post. This tiny...
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New magazine
Magazine of the week: Esses #1
There are plenty of independent cycling mags out there, but few motorcycle mags (Australia’s Head Full of Snakes is the only one that comes to mind), so it’s good to see Esses turn up promising a fresh look at motorbikes...
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Magazine of the week
Magazine of the week: The Pitchfork Review
One very distinct genre of new magazine is the website/blog print spin-off. Various smaller blogs – including this one – have experimented with print, while others have made significant inroads into regular publishing (It’s Nice That, Freund von Freunden, Slanted...
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